A Beautiful Sunrise

A Beautiful Sunrise
With a Ship Silhouette

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Best Quotes Ever!

A - A goal should SCARE you a little and excite you A LOT. - Joe Vitale - Joseph Anthony "Joe" Vitale  who was born April 2, 1949 is an American singer, songwriter, composer and multi-instrumentalist, but plays drums with many famous entertainers. Charted with "Lady on a Rock". Played in Joe Walsh's band, Barnstorm, and Ted Nugent calls Joe - a "Nugent Bloodbrother". Probably a friend of the Yankovics, perhaps the unofficial poet lauriate, Al. https://webDOTarchive.org/web/20071013234826/http://www.joevitaleondrums.com/

A.A. - Wants drinkers in 12 Step Program if they need help. Another A.A. will sell auto insurance presumably if driver's license not revoked for DUI.

A.A.A. - Sells car insurance by quote.

A.A. Allen - If you are walking with Jesus, in the Spirit, you need not fear going too far. No believer has gone as far as God wants him to go.

A.A. Gill - On Hacking - Freedom of speech is what all other human rights and freedoms balance on. That may sound like unspeakable arrogance when applied to restaurant reviews or gossip columns. But that’s not the point. Journalism isn’t an individual sport like books and plays; it’s a team effort. The power of the press is cumulative. It has a conscious human momentum. You can – and probably do – pick up bits of it and sneer or sigh or fling them with great force at the dog. But together they make up the most precious thing we own.

A.A. Hodge - It is easier to find a score of men wise enough to discover the truth than to find one intrepid enough, in the face of opposition, to stand up for it.

A. A. Milne - Of beer, an enthusiast has said that it could never be bad, but that some brands might be better than others.

A. E. Housman - A moment's thought would have shown him. But a moment is a long time, and thought is a painful process.

A. Gary Shilling
A. J. Liebling
Abba Eban
Abdul Kalam - My message, especially to young people (Esp. in India) is to have courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed. These are great qualities that they must work towards. This is my message to the young people.

Abigail Van Buren
Abraham Lincoln - Neither let us be slandered from our duty by false accusations against us, nor frightened from it by menaces of destruction ... nor of dungeons to ourselves. Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.

Ad Reinhardt
Ada Leverson
Adam Smith
Adelaide Anne Procter
Adlai Stevenson
Agatha Christie

Al Capone
Al Capp
Al Franken
Alan Dershowitz
Alan Kay
Alanis Obomsawin

Albert Camus - It is necessary to fall in love... if only to provide an alibi for all the random despair you are going to feel anyway.

Albert Einstein - What I see in Nature is a magnificent structure that we can comprehend only very imperfectly, and that must fill a thinking person with a feeling of humility. This is a genuinely religious feeling that has nothing to do with mysticism.

Albert J. Hettinger
Albert Jay Nock
Aldous Huxley - So now you can let go, my darling...Let go...Let go of this poor old body. You don't need it anymore. Let it fall away from you. Leave it lying there like a pile of worn-out clothes...Go on, my darling, go on into the Light, into the peace, into the living peace of the Clear Light.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander Pope
Alexander Woollcott
Alfred E. Neuman
Alfred Henry Forrester
Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred Kinsey
Alfred Lord Tennyson -

Al-Ghazali - Whoever passes forty without his virtue overpowering his vice, let him get ready for hellfire. This advice contains enough for people of knowledge.

Alice Roosevelt Longworth
Allen Saunders
Alphonse Karr
Alva Johnston
Amarillo Slim
Ambrose Bierce
Anais Nin
Anatole France
Andre Gide
Andrew Carnegie
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Lang
Andy Warhol
Anita Merina

Ann Landers
Ann Richards
Anne Frank - I want friends, not admirers. People who respect me for my character and my deeds, not my flattering smile. The circle around me would be much smaller, but what does that matter, as long as they're sincere?

Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie
Anne Rice
Anne Sullivan
Annie Dillard

Antonin Scalia Supreme Court Justice who died in 2016 - Bear in mind that brains and learning, like muscle and physical skill, are articles of commerce. They are bought and sold. You can hire them by the year or by the hour. The only thing in the world not for sale is character.

Anthony Burgess
Anthony Oettinger
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Anton Chekhov
Arianna Huffington
Aristotle - Where your talents and the needs of the world cross; there lies your vocation.

Arnold J. Toynbee
Arnold Palmer
Arrigo Boito
Artemus Ward
Arthur Ashe
Arthur C. Clarke
Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Miller
Arthur Rubinstein
Arthur Schopenhauer
Asa George Baker
Audrey Hepburn
Augustine Birrell
Austen Chamberlain

Ayn Rand - America's abundance was created not by public sacrifices to the common good, but by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes. They did not starve the people to pay for America's industrialization. They gave the people better jobs, higher wages, and cheaper goods with every new machine they invented, with every scientific discovery or technological advance- and thus the whole country was moving forward and profiting, not suffering, every step of the way.

Babe Ruth

Barack Obama on why he learned so little and remembered less - You can’t let your failures define you. You have to let your failures teach you.

Barbara W. Tuchman
Barstow Bates
Beatrice Lillie - Happiness for the average person may be said to flow largely from common sense - adapting one-self to circumstances - and a sense of humor.

Ben Wade - I am not unconscious of the persuasive power exerted by these considerations to drag men along in the current; but I am not at liberty to travel that road.

Benjamin F. Wade - Southern Senator
Ben Zimmer - Hillary Clinton has been portrayed as robotic, someone who is trying to approximate real human emotion.

Benjamin Disraeli - A female friend, amiable, clever, and devoted, is a possession more valuable than parks and palaces; and without such a muse, few men can succeed in life, none be contented.

Benjamin Franklin - The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all others, charity.
Benjamin Jowett
Bennett Cerf
Bernard Baruch
Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle
Berthold Auerbach
Bertrand Russell
Bessie A. Stanley
Bette Davis
Bette Midler
Bill Clinton
Bill Cosby
Bill Gates
Bill Nye
Bill Vaughan
Billy Wilder
Blaise Pascal
Bob Dylan
Bob Hope
Bob Marley
Bob Oliver
Bobby Jones
Brenda Ueland
Brendan Gill
Brian Eno
Brian Epstein
Bruce Lee
Bryan O'Loghlen
Buckminster Fuller
C. E. Lombardi
C. E. M. Joad
Cal Stewart
Calvin Coolidge
Carl Jung
Carl Sagan
Carol Burnett
Carolyn Wells
Carroll D. Wright
Cary Grant
Celeste Holm
Channing Pollock
Charles A. Dana
Charles Alexandre de Calonne
Charles Bayard Miliken
Charles Bronson
Charles Bukowski
Charles Darwin
Charles De Gaulle
Charles Dickens
Charles Dudley Warner
Charles Edward Greene
Charles Edward Montague
Charles F. Aked
Charles F. Brannan
Charles F. Kettering
Charles Fair
Charles H. Grosvenor
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Charles Kingsford-Smith
Charles Lamb
Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Fleischer
Chauncey Depew
Chief Seattle
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Marlowe
Christopher Morley
Christopher Poindexter
Chuck D prominent rapper (Carlton Ridenhour)

Rap serves as the communication that they don’t get for themselves to make them feel good about themselves. Rap is black America’s TV station. It gives a whole perspective of what exists and what black life is about.
Chuck Norris
Clare Boothe Luce
Clarence Darrow
Clark Kerr
Claude Adrien Helvetius
Claudia Adrienne Grandi
Clay Shirky
Clifford Odets
Clifton Fadiman
Coco Chanel
Coleman Cox
Collis Huntington
Colonel Harland Sanders
Cormac McCarthy
D. H. Lawrence
D. W Griffith
Dale Carnegie
Damana Madden
Damon Runyon
Dan Montano
Dante Alighieri
Darrell Royal
Darryl Anka
David Bowie
David Foster Wallace
David Hume
David Lloyd George
David Niven
David Starr Jordan
David Viscott
Dennis Gabor
Diane Disney Miller
Dick Cavett
Dixie Lee Crosby
Dolly Parton
Donald McGill
Donald J. Trump
Doris Lessing
Dorothy Parker
Douglas Haig
Douglas MacArthur
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight Morrow
Dylan Thomas
E. Austin Robinson
E. B. White
Earl C. Kelley -

Earl Nightingale - One hour per day of study in your chosen field is all it takes. One hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within three years. Within five years you'll be a national authority. In seven years, you can be one of the best people in the world at what you do.

Earl Nightingale - The paradox is that exactly the reverse is true. Everything that’s really worthwhile in life came to us free; our minds, our souls, our bodies, our hopes, our dreams, our ambitions, our intelligence, our love of family and children and friends and country. All these priceless possessions are free.
But the things that cost us money are actually very cheap and can be replaced at any time. A good man can be completely wiped out and make another fortune. He can do that several times. Even if our home burns down, we can rebuild it. But the things we got for nothing, we can never replace.

Earl of Sandwich
Earl Wilson
Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar
Ed Gardner
Ed Nelson
Ed Wynn
Eddie Fisher
Eden Phillpotts
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Guest
Edmund Burke
Edmund Fuller
Edmund Gwenn
Edmund Hillary
Edmund Kean
Edna Mae Oliver
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Edward Everett Hale
Edward R. Murrow
Edwin E. Slosson
Elbert Hubbard
Eleanor Roosevelt
Elvis Costello

Elvis Presley - I ain't no saint, but I've tried never to do anything that would hurt my family or offend God...I figure all any kid needs is hope and the feeling he or she belongs. If I could do or say anything that would give some kid that feeling, I would believe I had contributed something to the world.

Emerson M. Pugh
Emile Zola
Emily Dickinson - The brain is wider than the sky. Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

4. "Great spirits have often overcome violent opposition from mediocre minds." al einstein

I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to what light I have." Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

7. "Don't become a mere recorder of facts, but try to penetrate the mystery of their origin." Ivan Pavlov   (1849-1936)

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind." William James (1842-1910)

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."  Shakespeare (Hamlet)

Much learning does not teach understanding."  Heraclitus (544-483 B.C).
The disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority." Stanley Milgram (1933-1984)

Enrico Fermi
Erica Jong
Erin McKean
Erma Bombeck
Ernest Hemingway
Ernest K. Gann
Ernest Rutherford
Ethel Merman
Evan Esar
Evelyn Beatrice Hall
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Father Strickland
Ferenc Molnar
Florence Nightingale
Florynce Kennedy
Francis Bacon
Francis of Assisi
Francis Phillip Wernig
Frank Crane
Frank Herbert
Frank Lloyd Wright
Frank Outlaw
Frank Sinatra
Frank Sullivan
Frank Zappa
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin P. Adams
Franz Kafka
Fred Allen
Fred Astaire
Fred R. Shapiro
Frederick Henry Townsend
Frederick S. Perls
Frida Kahlo
Friedrich Nietzsche
G. K. Chesterton
G. W. F. Hegel
Gaius Petronius Arbiter
Gar Wood
Garret FitzGerald
Garson Kanin
Garson O'Toole
Gary Player
Gautama Buddha
Gelett Burgess
Gene Zirkel
George Bernard Shaw
George Best
George Burns - I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate.
Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.

George Carlin - On Outcome Based Education and Common Core, Voting Before 2016, Democrats and Mass Media - Governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own, and control the corporations. They've long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.

George Curzon
George du Maurier
George Eliot
George F. Tilton
George H. Derby
George Herbert
George Jean Nathan
George M. Cohan
George Mallory
George Orwell
George Patton
George Raft
George Riddell
George S. Kaufman
George Santayana
George T. W. Patrick
George W. Pickering
George Washington
George Washington Carver
Georges Clemenceau
Gerald Ford
Germaine de Staël
Gioachino Rossini
Gloria Steinem
Goldie Hawn
Goodman Ace
Gore Vidal
Grace Hopper
Gracie Allen
Grant Allen
Groucho Marx
H. Jackson Brown
H.G. Wells
H.L. Mencken
Haley Barbour
Hannah Arendt
Harlan Ellison
Harold Nicolson
Harriet Martineau
Harriet Van Horne
Harry Leon Wilson
Harry Truman
Heinrich Heine
Helen Castle
Helen Gurley Brown
Helen Keller
Helena Blavatsky
Helene Hanff
Henry Cuyler Bunner
Henry David Thoreau -

Henry Ford
Henry Ford II -

Henry Ward Beecher - Young love is a flame; very pretty, often very hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. The love of the older and disciplined heart is as coals, deep-burning, unquenchable.

Henry James
Henry Kissinger
Henry Miller
Henry Morgan
Henry Powell Spring
Henry Red Sanders
Henry Stanley Haskins
Henry Thomas Buckle
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Henry Ward Beecher
Herb Caen
Herbert Beerbohm Tree
Herbert Hoover
Herbert Spencer
Herman J. Mankiewicz
Herman Melville
Hermann Oberth
Heywood Hale Broun
Hillary Clinton
Honore de Balzac
Horace Greeley
Horace Walpole
Horatio Nelson
Huey Long
Hugh O'Brian
Humphrey Bogart
Ian MacLaren
Igor Stravinsky
Immanuel Kant
Indira Gandhi
Ingrid Bergman
Ira Hayes
Irene Dunne
Iris Murdoch
Irvin Cobb
Irwin Corey
Isaac Asimov
Isadora Duncan
Israel Zangwill
J. K. Rowling
J. P. McEvoy
J. R. R. Tolkien
J.B.S. Haldane
Jack Benny
Jack Kemp
Jack L. Warner
Jack London
Jack Youngblood
Jacob J. Rosenblum
Jacques Barzun
James Boswell
James Bradley
James Dean
James Fenimore Cooper
James G. Blaine
James Howell
James Joyce
James Kirkwood Jr.
James M. Cain
James Matthew Barrie
James McNeill Whistler
James Michener
James Montgomery Flagg
James Quin
James Ussher
James Webb Young
Jan Harold Brunvand
Jane Ace
Jane Addams
Jane Austen
Jascha Heifetz
Jean Harlow
Jean Larteguy
Jean Piaget
Jean Renoir
Jean Sibelius
Jean-Paul Sartre
Jeanette Winterson -
Jennifer Lopez - Doubt is a killer. You just have to know who you are and what you stand for.

Jerome Michael
Jerry Barber
Jerry Pournelle
Jess Lair
Jessie Potter
Jim Brewer
Jim Morrison
Jimi Hendrix
Jimmy Durante
Joan Collins -
Joan Rivers - I'm going out with these old guys. One guy gave me a hickey and left his teeth in my neck. Another man, we were having a perfectly lovely dinner; he looked up and me and went: You're not my wife! Another guy died during dinner. I had to go in his pocket to get the American Express card. Then you wonder: What would he tip? Another guy said: I want you to meet my family, and took me to the cemetery.

I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw that my bath toys were a toaster and a radio.

When you can laugh at yourself no one can ever make a fool of you.

Joe E. Lewis
Joe Franklin
Joe Namath
Joel Chandler Harris
Johann P. F. Richter
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
John Adams
John B. Finch
John Barth
John Bradford
John Bradley
John Brunner
John Culkin
John D. Rockefeller
John Dewey
John Dryden
John F. Kennedy
John Forbes
John Gardner
John Godfrey Saxe
John Lennon
John Locke
John Maynard Keynes
John McTiernan
John Pierpont Morgan
John Quincy Adams
John Steinbeck
John Stuart Mill
John Watson
John Wesley
John William Gardner
John Wilmot
John Wooden
Johnny Hart
Jonathan Swift -

Jonathan Winters - Well, the most terrible fear that anybody should have is not war, is not a disease, not cancer or heart problems or food poisoning - it's a man or a woman without a sense of humor.

Josef Stalin
Joseph Campbell
Joseph Cummings Chase
Joseph Stalin
Josh Billings
Josiah Stamp
Judith Martin
Julia Child
Julie Andrews
Karl Harriman
Karl Marx
Kate Sanborn
Katharine Graham
Katharine Hepburn
Kathleen Norris
Kay Boyle
Kenneth B. Elliott
Kenneth Herford
Kenneth Tynan
Kent M. Keith
King Charles II
King George II
Kinky Friedman
Kurt Vonnegut - A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.

L. Frank Baum
La Rochefoucauld
Larry Ferguson
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Laurence J. Peter
Laurie Anderson
Lawrence Pearsall Jacks
Lawrence Summers
Lee Trevino
Leo Mattersdorf
Leo Rosten
Leo Tolstoy
Leon Leonwood Bean
Leonard Bernstein
Leonard Lyons
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonora Corbett
Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Levi Furbush
Lewis H. Lapham
Lewis Morris
Lewis Mumford
Liane Cordes
Lillian Hellman
Lily Tomlin
Liz Smith
Lord Byron
Lord Chesterfield
Lord Melbourne
Louis Agassiz
Louis Armstrong
Louis Fischer
Louis Zukofsky
Louisa May Alcott
Lu Xun
Lucy Baldwin
Ludwig Borne
Lyndon B. Johnson
Lynn Fontanne
Lynn Johnston
Mae West
Malcolm Forbes
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Margaret Atwood
Margaret E. Sangster
Margaret Fuller
Margaret Mead
Margaret Millar
Margaret Thatcher
Margot Asquith
Maria Edgeworth
Marie Antoinette
Marie Belloc-Lowndes
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Marilyn Monroe
Mario Puzo
Mark Clark
Mark Toby -

Mark Twain - Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.

Mark Victor Hansen -

Mark Zuckerberg - I think as a company, if you can get two things right--having a clear direction on what you are trying to do and bringing in great people who can execute on the stuff--then you can do pretty well.

Marlon Brando
Marshall Field
Marshall McLuhan
Marthe Troly-Curtin
Martin Andre Rosanoff
Martin Luther
Martin Luther King - We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) Try keeping that in mind sitting by yourself in a police car with a huge angry black guy charging at your open window, ignoring your "STOP!" and grabbing at your gun.

Martin Mull - Having children is like having a bowling alley installed in your brain.

Mary Heaton Vorse - English audiences of working people are like an instrument that responds to the player. Thought ripples up and down them, and if in some heart the speaker strikes a dissonance there is a swift answer. Always the voice speaks from gallery or pit, the terrible voice which detaches itself in every English crowd, full of caustic wit, full of irony or, maybe, approval.

Mary Kay Ash - Believe in yourself and know that you can do anything in this world that you want to do if you want to do it badly enough and you are willing to travel the road. Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass.

Mary McCarthy
Mary Pettibone Poole
Mary Schmich
Mary Shelley -

Maya Angelou - My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.

Maurice Chevalier - Many a man has fallen in love with a girl in a light so dim he would not have chosen a suit by it.

Maurice Maeterlinck - There is no soul that does not respond to love, for the soul of man is a guest that has gone hungry these centuries back.

Maurice Switzer
Max Aitken
Max Beerbohm -

Max Lucado - You change your life by changing your heart.

Melanie Clark Pullen - You can't put a price tag on love, but you can on all its accessories.

Michael Curtiz -

Michael Jackson -
And the dream we were conceived in will reveal a joyful face... and the world we once believed in will shine again in grace. Then why do we keep strangling life wound this Earth, crucify its soul. Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly. We could be God's glow... Heal the world.

Michael Todd
Michael Wolff
Michel de Montaigne
Mick Jagger
Milton Berle
Milton Friedman
Miriam Hopkins
Mohandas Gandhi
Moses Hadas
Moses Henry Cass
Mother Teresa - If you ask children in the west where's God, they'd point to the sky. If you ask children in India, they point at themselves.

Mrs. Amos Pinchot
Muhammad Ali
Muriel Spark
Muriel Strode
Nancy Astor
Nancy Austin
Nancy Vincent McClelland
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon III
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Neal Gabler
Neil Gaiman
Nelson Mandela
Niccolo Machiavelli
Nicolas Chamfort
Niels Bohr
Nikola Tesla
Ninon de Lenclos
Noah Webster
Noel Coward
Norman Vincent Peale
Octavia Butler
Ogden Nash
Oliver Cromwell
Oliver Stone
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
Omar Bradley
Orison Swett Marden
Orlando Aloysius Battista
Orson Welles
Oscar Levant
Oscar Wilde - Everyone may not be good, but there's always something good in everyone. Never judge anyone shortly because every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.

Otto von Bismarck - The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the high financial powers of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained in one block and as one nation, would attain economic and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds prevailed... Therefore they sent their emissaries into the field to exploit the question of slavery and to open an abyss between the two sections of the Union.

P. C. Hodgell - Lady writer - That which can be destroyed by truth, should be.

P. G. Wodehouse
P. T. Barnum
Pablo Casals
Pablo Picasso
Paul Ehrlich
Paul Eldridge
Paul Harvey - Communism has defeated itself everywhere except... in American colleges.

Paul Gallico - It is only when you open your veins and bleed onto the page a little that you establish contact with your reader. If you do not believe in the characters or the story you are doing at that moment with all your mind, strength, and will, if you don't feel joy and excitement while writing it, then you're wasting good white paper, even if it sells, because there are other ways in which a writer can bring in the rent money besides writing bad or phony stories.

Paul Rodriguez - What's wrong about eating cows? What do you think God made them for? They're big, they're stupid, they're delicious. You want more reasons? I never met an animal more prepared to die than a cow. Next time you go to the farm look at a cow in the eyes, it is begging you for a bullet.

Paul Samuelson - Sooner or later the Internet will become profitable. It's an old story played before by canals, railroads and automobiles.

Paul Terry
Peter De Vries
Peter Drucker
Peter Lynch
Peter Marshall
Peter O'Toole
Peter Ustinov
Philip Larkin
Philippe Halsman
Philo of Alexandria
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Poul Anderson
Queen Anne
Quin Ryan
Rabindranath Tagore
Ralph Carpenter
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ray Bradbury
Ray Manzarek
Raymond Chandler
Raymond J. Saulnier
Rebecca West
Red Smith
Richard Bach
Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Richard Feynman
Richard Grenier
Richard Henry Little
Richard Pryor
Richard Rodgers
Rita Mae Brown
Roald Dahl
Robert Anderson
Robert Benchley
Robert Browning
Robert Frost
Robert G. Ingersoll
Robert H. Schuller
Robert Haven Schauffler
Robert Heinlein
Robert M. Hutchins
Robert Orben
Robert Quillen
Robert Silverberg
Robert Storm Petersen
Robert W. Service
Robert Wilson Lynd
Robin Williams - I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.

Ronald Reagan - There are many well-meaning people today who work at placing an economic floor beneath all of us so that no one shall exist below a certain level or standard of living, and certainly we don't quarrel with this. But look more closely and you may find that all too often these well-meaning people are building a ceiling above which no one shall be permitted to climb and between the two are pressing us all into conformity, into a mold of standardized mediocrity.

Roy S. Durstine -

Rudyard Kipling - If you can wait, and not be tired by waiting ... if you can dream, and not make dreams your master; if you can think, and not make thoughts your aim; if you can meet with Triumph and Disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same; ... yours is the earth and everything that's in it ...

Rush Hudson Limbaugh,III - End results that work that don’t involve government threaten liberals.

Russell B. Long
Rutherford B. Hayes
S. E. Hinton
Salvador Dali
Sam Levenson
Samuel Butler
Samuel Foote
Samuel Gallu
Samuel Goldwyn
Samuel Johnson
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Samuel Wilberforce -

Satchel Paige - Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching.

Scott Adams
Seneca the Younger
Sheilah Graham
Shirley Temple - Married a man named "Black"
Sid Ziff - ZIF can clean just about anything.

Sigmund (Ciggy Fraud) Freud - Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepest despair; they can transfer knowledge from teacher to student; words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions. Words are capable of arousing the strongest emotions and prompting all men's actions.

Simone Signoret
Sinclair Lewis -

Socrates - Most people, including ourselves, live in a world of relative ignorance. We are even comfortable with that ignorance, because it is all we know. When we first start facing truth, the process may be frightening, and many people run back to their old lives. But if you continue to seek truth, you will eventually be able to handle it better. In fact, you want more! It's true that many people around you now may think you are weird or even a danger to society, but you don't care. Once you've tasted the truth, you won't ever want to go back to being ignorant.

Somerset Maugham
Sophia Loren
Sophonisba Breckinridge
Stan Bowles
Steven Brust - To seek understanding before taking action, yet to trust my instincts when action is called for. Never to avoid danger from fear, never to seek out danger for its own sake. Never to conform to fashion from fear of eccentricity, never to be eccentric from fear of conformity.

Stephen Hawking - Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give up.

Stephenie Meyer - I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.

Stephen Leacock - How strange it is, our little procession of life! The child says, "When I am a big boy." But what is that? The big boy says, "When I grow up." And then, grown up, he says, "When I get married." But to be married, what is that after all? The thought changes to "When I'm able to retire." And then, when retirement comes, he looks back over the landscape traversed; a cold wind seems to sweep over it; somehow he has missed it all, and it is gone.

Steve Allen - Ours is a government of checks and balances. The Mafia and crooked businessmen make out checks, and the politicians and other compromised officials improve their bank balances.

Steve Jobs - Management is about persuading people to do things they do not want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to do things they never thought they could.

Steve Martin - Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you do criticize him, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes.

Steve Miller - No leader can possibly have all the answers . . . .The actual solutions about how best to meet the challenges of the moment have to be made by the people closest to the action. . . .The leader has to find the way to empower those frontline people, to challenge them, to provide them with the resources they need, and then to hold them accountable. As they struggle with . . . this challenge, the leader becomes their coach, teacher, and facilitator. Change how you define leadership, and you change how you run a company.

Steven Wright - If a man says something in the woods and there are no women there, is he still wrong?

Sting - If you play music with passion and love and honesty, then it will nourish your soul, heal your wounds and make your life worth living. Music is its own reward.

Sybil F. Partridge
Sydney Smith
T. S. Eliot
Tallulah Bankhead
Taylor Caldwell
Tennessee Williams
Terry Teachout - (R)eality TV (is) a medium dedicated to the proposition that with the help of judicious editing, carefully chosen half-wits can hold the attention of millions of their fellow half-wits for weeks on end.

Thelonius Monk - Whatever you think can’t be done, somebody will come along and do it. A genius is the one most like himself.

Theodor Seuss Geisel - Theodor Geisel (otherwise known as Dr. Seuss) spent his workdays ensconced in his private studio, the walls lined with sketches and drawings, in a bell-tower outside his La Jolla, California, house. Geisel was a much more quiet man than his jocular rhymes suggest. He rarely ventured out in public to meet his young readership, fretting that kids would expect a merry, outspoken, Cat in the Hat–like figure, and would be disappointed with his reserved personality. “In mass, [children] terrify me,” he admitted.

Theodore Parker
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Sturgeon
Thomas B. Macaulay
Thomas Carlyle
Thomas De Quincey
Thomas Edison - I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 things that do not work."  Thomas Edison  1847-1931

Thomas Friedman

Thomas Fuller
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Merton
Thomas Paine
Thomas Peters
Thomas R. Ybarra
Thomas Wolfe
Thornton Wilder
Tobias Smollett
Toby Keith
Tom Ferris
Tom Petty
Tom Robbins
Tony Curtis
Truman Capote
Tug McGraw
Ulysses S. Grant
Upton Sinclair
Vaclav Havel
Victor Hugo
Vince Lombardi
Vincent van Gogh
Virginia Woolf
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Nabokov
W. B. Bill Hayler
W. C. Fields
W. E. B. Du Bois
W. H. Auden
W. S. Gilbert
W. Somerset Maugham
Wallace S. Sayre
Walt Disney
Walt Kelly
Walt Whitman
Walter Barbe
Walter F. Kerr
Walter Reuther
Walter Winchell
Warren Buffett
Washington Irving
Waylon Jennings
Wendell Berry
Wilfred Thesiger
Will Durant
Will Rogers
Willard Motley
William A. Spooner
William Aberhart
William Allen White
William Blake
William Bruce Cameron
William Butler Yeats
William Dean Howells
William Ellery Channing
William F. Buckley Jr.
William Faulkner
William Fifield
William Gibson
William Gladstone
William James
William Lyon Phelps
William Makepeace Thackeray
William McChesney Martin
William Morrow
William Nevins
William Pickford
William Ralph Inge
William Randolph Hearst - Any man who has the brains to think and the nerve to act for the benefit of the people of the country is considered a radical by those who are content with stagnation (stagflation?)and willing to endure disaster(feeling worthless on welfare?).

William S. Burroughs - What does the money machine eat? It eats youth, spontaneity, life, beauty, and, above all, it eats creativity. It eats quality and sh*ts quantity.

William Shakespeare - I am giddy, expectation whirls me round.
The imaginary relish is so sweet
That it enchants my sense.

William T. Arnold -
William Wrigley Jr.
Willie Sutton
Wilson Mizner
Winston Churchill
Woodrow Wilson
Woody Allen
Woody Hayes
Yogi Berra
Zechariah Chafee
Zero Dean
Zig Ziglar
Zora Neale Hurston

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